Dave Colangelo is an artist, educator, and researcher based in Toronto, Canada. He is a founding member of Public Visualization Studio. His work focuses on urban media environments as sites for critical and creative engagements with the city, public art, and information.

He is Associate Professor of Digital Creation and Communication in Professional Communication (ProCom) in the Creative School at Toronto Metropolitan University, and Director, North America, of the Media Architecture Institute. He is also Program Director for TMU Lights at Toronto Metropolitan University.

He has held positions as Assistant Professor of Digital Media and Culture at Portland State University in the School of Film, Adjunct Professor at the Ontario College of Art and Design University in the Digital Futures MA/MDes/MFA program, and Professor and Academic Coordinator of the Bachelor of Digital Experience Design program in the School of Design at George Brown College.

His writing has appeared in Space and Culture, C Magazine, Leonardo, Public Art Dialogue, and the Journal of Curatorial Studies and in edited collections on Museum and Gallery Design and the History of Film Studies. He is the author of The Building as Screen: A History, Theory, and Practice of Massive Media (Amsterdam University Press, 2020), winner of the SCMS 2021 Anne Friedberg Innovative Scholarship Award.

His work as a curator and artist has been exhibited at The Bentway in Toronto, and at Open Signal and the Portland Winter Light Festival in Portland, Oregon. His works have also been presented at the International Symposium for Electronic Art (ISEA) 2011 in Istanbul, ISEA 2013 in Sydney, at the 2013-14 Biennale of Architecture and Urbanism in Shenzhen/Hong Kong, and in the Leonardo Electronic Almanac.

Colangelo holds an MA in Cultural Studies and Interactive Media from Goldsmiths College, University of London and a PhD from the York-Ryerson Graduate Programme in Communication and Culture in Toronto.

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